Article by Nick Knopik, contributing writer and former assistant director of leadership and service

准备好接受下一步的教育了? Doane’s College of Business offers two master’s degrees that can help advance your career: the Master of Business Arts (工商管理硕士) and the Master of Arts in Leadership (密尔). Get to know the benefits of each program and discover which best aligns with your career goals. 



  1. 一个学生在冬季毕业典礼上戴着兜帽 基本业务领域的技能. 广泛接触会计课程, 金融, 市场营销, 策略, business ethics and international business prepares our 工商管理硕士 students to make effective and ethical decisions in their present or future companies. Doane’s 工商管理硕士 courses emphasize critical thinking, problem-solving and leadership skills.
  2. 数据分析. 我们生活在一个数据驱动的社会, and modern companies value employees who can support their decision-making with data. 十大网络娱乐平台注册工商管理硕士学生学习使用Python运行统计模型, 让他们掌握最前沿的数据分析软件技能. 在我们的分析课程中, students are encouraged to analyze actual data from their workplace and invite their colleagues and supervisors into the classroom when they present their findings.
  3. 演讲技巧. 通过十大网络娱乐平台注册与内布拉斯加州企业的合作, 工商管理硕士 students will work on projects culminating in a deliverable they’ll present to clients. Students experience a flipped-classroom learning environment in many of their courses, 他们在哪里向全班展示他们对特定主题的知识. Students graduate from the 工商管理硕士 program with the technical skills necessary to make an impact in their workplace and the communication skills to share their insights effectively.


  1. 战略领导. 使用真实世界的场景, 学生探索特质, styles and skills of effective leaders and the relationship between leaders and followers. Students hone their knowledge of leadership theory and use it to define a 策略 for an organization. 学生们学习如何评估团队内部的需求, 构建和测试想法来理解, 用以人为本的方法学习和解决问题.
  2. 2023年5月,军工毕业生在春季毕业典礼后合影留念批判性反思. 最有效的领导者了解自己的优势, 他们面临的挑战, 他们需要什么样的支持,他们看重什么. The 密尔 program uses guided reflection to help students answer these questions for themselves and focuses on “living leadership” daily.
  3. 训练. Each 密尔 student is paired one-on-one with a faculty coach who models effective coaching skills, 包括问一些强有力的问题, 在更深层次上倾听, 和自我管理. Students also complete the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) with their faculty coach and receive an individualized personal development plan with suggestions for growing their intercultural competence.



Doane’s 工商管理硕士 program offers courses in-person on the 林肯 campus or online. 课程每学期八周, and an accelerated 工商管理硕士 program is available for students interested in completing their degree in less than a year.

学生们在教室里聊天Dr. AJ Chauradia, program director of the 工商管理硕士 and assistant professor in the College of Business, emphasized that students in Doane’s 工商管理硕士 program enjoy small class sizes and genuine connections with their professors, many of whom came from jobs in their industries before teaching in Doane’s College of Business.

“Our faculty members are teaching one class that is their specialty because they have work experience in that area. 这位金融学教授经营着自己的风险投资公司. Chauradia说. “博士. 曾供职于《正规赌博十大平台排行》十大公司的(Charlena)米勒.” He explained that Doane 工商管理硕士 professors bring their industry experience into the classroom to engage students at a deeper level.

Dr. Chauradia, 他也在工商管理硕士课程中授课, has traveled worldwide while working for an international conglomerate company that owned companies like Expedia and 
“我们在课堂上引入了全球思维。. Chauradia说.


Doane’s 密尔 offers a fully online program that meets on Zoom once per week, a method that accommodates busy schedules while retaining the benefit of meeting together as a class. 课程每学期八周, and the ten courses in the 密尔 program are intended to be completed within two years. Students who take two classes per term can complete the degree in one year.

学生看课本Dr. 贾里德·库克, 十大网络娱乐平台注册领导部门的主席, believes that the 密尔 is a fantastic program for someone hoping to make a career change, 在他们目前的组织中做出改变, 进入管理层或提高他们的领导技能.

“如果你想带着批判性的反思离开, 这对我们很多学生来说都是很大的一块,” Dr. 库克说. “If you understand yourself and who you are, you are a better leader overall.” 

密尔的班级规模很小, 通常在8到10个学生之间, 允许教师根据学生的需要定制体验. Dr. 库克解释说,因为这些小班, 学生们建立联系,互相学习. 为他, students’ willingness to share their experiences makes teaching classes in the 密尔 program exciting.

“一个班有8到10个人, but you’re getting these stories and this enriching kind of sharing experience where people start to see just how wide and diverse our society is,” Dr. 库克说.



  • 在Doane的2023届工商管理硕士毕业生中,有92%没有找工作.e.(如受雇或继续进修). 毕业生在Bryan Health等公司工作, 好事达, 嘉吉公司和奥马哈互惠银行担任副总裁, 遵从性分析, 网络总监和生产计划员.

    “The majority of students feel that they’re either going to get promoted in their existing job or they feel that they’re equipped with the skills to find a better job,” Dr. Charuradia说. 数据支持他的说法.
  • 到2023年,90%的毕业生表示他们会更善于分析, 有创意的 以及在考虑问题和问题时有效的思考能力.
  • 92% of graduates in 2023 say they communicate in a manner that is more purposeful, 适合上下文,传达清晰的信息.
  • 95% of graduates in 2023 say they can better articulate the knowledge and skills needed for future personal and professional development.


  • 在Doane的2023届工商管理硕士毕业生中,有92%没有找工作.e.(如受雇或继续进修). 毕业生在包括联合银行在内的公司工作 & 信托有限公司., Southeast Community College and Rand Worldwide with titles including senior benefits specialist, 人力资源通才和质量工程师.
  • 到2023年,100%的毕业生表示他们会更善于分析, 有创意的, 以及在考虑问题和问题时有效的思考能力.
  • 92% of graduates in 2023 say they collaborate more effectively with others.
  • 92% of graduates in 2023 say they consistently apply moral principles to their decision-making and behavior.

Dr. Cook explained that the 密尔 program’s emphasis on tangible takeaways gives students real-world skills they can apply during and immediately after their program. 

“你有一些东西可以带走,你可以说, “我做过这个, 而且这和我目前的工作也有关系,’” Dr. 库克说. “I’ve had at least four or five students per class that say this is something that I know I needed to do or we as an organization needed to do, 我做到了.” 

还是不知道工商管理硕士和密尔哪个更适合你? 十大网络娱乐平台注册 要问其他问题!